
Sweet Tamarind


We select large sized sour tamarind pods,

which go through pickle process with natural sugar,

resulting in crispy and delicious pickled tamarind.


Dried sweet Tamarind

Premium seedless tamarind

Jumbo size grade AA, B, C

We have both sour and sweet tamarind.




                                         Please send enquiry to saleeinterfood@gmail.com




Dried sweet tamarind exporter The steaming process maintains the taste and kills any fungus or live insect inside the shell and allows your customer to keep the products longer without a
Thai sweet tamarind export quality Our tamarinds are ready to eat as all seeds are removed from every pod.export tamarind paste or seedless  We select large sized sour tamarind pods, which go through
Sweet Tamrind exporter quality to india
Boxes tamarind for exporting very delicious
The tamarind fruit test has a sweet test. The sweet tamarind is a variant of the ordinary tamarind
The steaming process maintains the taste and kills any fungus or live insect inside the shell and allows your customer to keep the products longer without any damage.
Exporter of tamarind thailand for food
Export tamarind to taiwan usa for cooking and food fruit dry Our tamarinds are ready to eat as all seeds are removed from every pod. We select large sized sour tamarind pods, which go through pickle p
Thailand temarind exporter quality
The taste of the fruit can only be describes as sweet and sour. The tamarind is full of beneficial properties such as vitamin B, calcium and is high in acids and sugar.
export tamarind sweet paste or seedless very delicious and very good packing Thai sweet tamarind
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